
Jeremiah's Birth Story

 Ok, so before I get into my birth story for Jeremiah, I first need to give all of you a little backstory on my previous births, just in case you haven't been around long enough to have heard all that I have gone through πŸ˜… Alright, so let's start with Isaiah's birth first, naturally lol His pregnancy was extremely easy, besides the heartburn. And labor was pretty easy going too, minus the fact that the epidural I was given only numbed half my body and it took the anesthesiologist poking me 2 times to even get the epidural in. But after delivery was a whole 'notha story! I tore first off, and the midwife was so rough sewing me up that I could feel EVERYTHING. Then said midwife informed me she had removed the placenta and I was good to go. However, not even 2 days later, I found out that she left the placenta membranes in and I had to get that removed as well as be put on medication to help remove whatever was left. With Joshua's pregnancy, I was diagnosed with HELLP...

How I'm Manifesting my 2021 Goals

 Every year since I was younger, I've always made a list of goals I planned on achieving for that New Year. And I mean, I'm pretty sure most of us associate a New Year with goal setting. Am I right? Some goals are way out there and seem unattainable, while others are simple and easy. But as I get older, I'm learning some tricks and tips that help me attain my goals and stay motivated. I know some you put there reading this will think it's all just a bunch of bologna, and some of you will take this to heart. Just know this, these are the things that work for ME, so they may not work for you, and that's okay. Find what works for you and stick to it! πŸ’ͺ🏼 1. Be clear with what you want.  Instead of saying "I wish" or "I want", say "I will" when it comes to what you want to achieve or gain. For example, if you want to lose 10 lbs, say "I WILL lose 10 lbs." This is your way of putting out into the Universe that you WILL lose that w...

All the Feelings Leading up to Today

5 kids. Just, wow... I know so many of you are out there thinking, “Are you crazy?!”, “How are you going to handle 5 kids??”, “This lady can’t even handle the kids she has now πŸ™„”, etc etc.  Well first off, a big πŸ–•πŸΌto those of you judging me right now, thinking I can’t/ won’t be able to handle them or that I am a bad mom in the first place or whatever! Ok. This hasn’t been easy on me, and those judging me right now are just making it that much harder.  So yes, I am pregnant with baby #5. No we did not plan it. Yes we were EXTRA careful, ( I don’t think y’all need all the details) and yet somehow still ended up pregnant. We honestly don’t know how, but my guess is it was/ is Gods will.  I originally went in to see the Dr for irregular, painful periods that turned into a missed period with extreme cramping and lightheadedness. I had no clue I was pregnant, especially because I usually just KNOW by 5 weeks. I thought maybe I was dealing with fibroids, cysts, a hormonal imb...

How I Weaned Isabella Off Pacifiers & Bottles

Once your baby turns 1, it’s almost as if they’ve crossed that magical threshold, the one where they’re no longer a baby, but also not quite a toddler. You know the one, the one where they all of a sudden want to run and walk and climb, they want to feed themselves and do everything they see everyone else doing. Yeah, that one.  Well it turns out Bella crossed that threshold way before she even turned one. And I guess that’s to be expected, seeing as she has 3 older brothers to look up to. So it should come as no surprise when I say, I weaned Bella off of pacifiers and bottles before she turned 13 months!! πŸŽ‰  Now who wants in on my secret?! Lol So first things first, I should probably disclose that Bella started weaning herself off of pacifiers around 10 months. And what I mean by that is, we stopped taking her pacifiers with us on outings and left her pacifier in her crib throughout the day. The only times she’d use her pacifier was at nap time and bedtime...

Common Misconceptions of Stay at Home Parents

So this is something that has been irking me for a very long time now. I have been a stay at home mom for 4 years, and it seems I am always dealing with the same common misconceptions.    I have 4 kids, with all of them being very close in age, which means they’re each in their own stage of growth at the moment. So let me just lay out all the misconceptions & BS that stay at home parents get below. And yes, some you deal with, some you don’t. Each situation varies by family of course.  1. People assume that because you stay home, you’re not allowed to be tired.  This is absolutely some major BS right there! As a SAHP (stay at home parent), you have your littles depending on you, all the household chores & cooking riding on you, and your spouse depending on you; not to mention, you probably have your own goals that depend on you as well. In my situation, I am at the stage where Isaiah (my soon to be 7 yr old) is working on bettering his speech and re...

To My Daughter

We made it! The BIG ONE! 1 whole year of life completed, and it literally flew by 😭 you are my only daughter and last baby, so it’s understandable why your 1st birthday is bittersweet. The day you were born, I was over the moon! I mean, I finally had my baby girl in my arms!! 😍 the day I had been waiting forever for had finally come! I’m not gonna lie though, when they placed you on my chest, I had to double check that you were 100% a baby girl πŸ˜‚ There’s something so special about having a daughter though, a different kind of bond that is formed. I have special bonds with your brothers, but having you has caused me to form a different type of bond. I don’t yet know how to explain it, but it’s one that I hope will continue to grow over the years. I absolutely cannot wait for those mother daughter bonding dates, inside jokes and all around good times. Looking into the future now, I see us having an unbreakable, loving, caring bond. As it is, you’re already a mamas girl, al...

My Struggle W/ Eating Disorders

Hey Everybody! I know it's been a hot minute since Iv'e written anything new, especially since I said I was going to do monthly recaps, but I'm back! So this topic is actually a tough one for me to address. I've been dealing with this eating disorder for a VERY long time, but only recently admitted it to myself and out loud that I have/ had a problem. It's something that I still deal with to this day. I am an emotional eater and I binge eat. And on top of that, I have a hard time with body positivity when it comes to how I view myself. I do not know why I am the way I am, what caused it or what still causes it. What I do know is that it makes my day to day life hard. From, should I eat this? Oh this is way too unhealthy. To should I wear that? No, that shows too much of my fat or you can see my belly roll through my shirt. For those who don’t know, binge eating is basically when one eats huge amounts of food in one sitting, and then feels shame or regre...