How I'm Manifesting my 2021 Goals

 Every year since I was younger, I've always made a list of goals I planned on achieving for that New Year. And I mean, I'm pretty sure most of us associate a New Year with goal setting. Am I right? Some goals are way out there and seem unattainable, while others are simple and easy.

But as I get older, I'm learning some tricks and tips that help me attain my goals and stay motivated. I know some you put there reading this will think it's all just a bunch of bologna, and some of you will take this to heart. Just know this, these are the things that work for ME, so they may not work for you, and that's okay. Find what works for you and stick to it! 💪🏼

1. Be clear with what you want.

 Instead of saying "I wish" or "I want", say "I will" when it comes to what you want to achieve or gain. For example, if you want to lose 10 lbs, say "I WILL lose 10 lbs." This is your way of putting out into the Universe that you WILL lose that weight, or get that promotion, or buy that house without letting anything stand in your way.

2. Break up hard to reach goals into smaller parts.

What I mean by this is break down those hard to reach goals into little goals. So if your huge goal is to get a house, what goals would you need to reach first? Maybe you need to save up a little more money, maybe you need to raise your credit a bit, maybe you just need to get out there and start looking, but whatever it is, these are all smaller pieces of your big goal. Work on each small goal that will lead up to you attaining your hard to reach goal, and eventually, it won't seem that hard to reach.

3. Set reasonable deadlines.

Do not tell yourself on January 1st that you want to lose 10 lbs by the end of January. Not only is that unreasonable, it's technically not healthy either, unless you just had a baby lol. Instead, tell yourself that you want to lose 10 lbs by the end of March/April, whichever you feel that you can lose the weight by. When you set impossible deadlines for your goals, that just makes them that much harder to reach and causes you to lose hope/ give up. And you definitely don't want that. Plus, not every goal needs a deadline, because when you don't have that pressure on you to reach a goal by a certain date, you can reach your goal with ease and stress free. Or at least that's what works for me at times 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

So those are basically my top 3 tips that I personally follow to reach my goals, should you choose to follow them, that's up to you. On top of those 3, I make sure to start each week with intention. What I mean by that is I schedule out what I can to help things run more smoothly so I can reach my goals with ease and clarity. I also, start my days by diffusing my oils to either help motivate me, manifest abundance, or give me energy. With that being said, set a daily routine, get yourself an agenda/planner, and diffuse your oils!! 

If you'd like share some of your goals down in the comments, or would like me to help you with setting a routine to help you reach your goals, you're more than welcome to reach out to me through here or my social media accounts! I'm always here to help 🥰

Until next time,

XO Mama Unfiltered 🤍


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