The Scariest Hood Out There

Motherhood is quite literally the scariest hood out there. I mean, we have these tiny humans that we created (or became guardians of through marriage, adoption, whateva), and we are in charge of making sure that no harm comes to them during their life on this Earth with us, all while teaching them to grow into respectable, smart, kind, loving human beings! 

Being a mother is much more than being someone's snack bitch 😂 To these little humans, we are a: chef, Dr., maid, teacher, handy woman, chauffeur, referee, detective, best friend, and most importantly, their Mother. They put all their faith & trust in us to guide them down the correct path in life and ensure that they grow up to be the smartest, kindest human beings out there. And we make sure to shield them from all the dark & scary corners of the world.

Some days are amazing and beautiful, where you think to yourself, "These kids are going to grow up to be the sweetest, most loving individuals!". Now these are the days where they are getting along with each other, being sweet giving hugs & kisses, and just plain old being a most well-behaved child they can be.  But on other days, those very same kids make you want to scream from the top of  your lungs and rip your hair out 😅 These days are the days where they won't stop fighting each other, talking back, not listening for 💩. You know what days I'm talking about 😅 Now those days, those are part of what makes Motherhood so scary and tough lol. 

On those days, you just need to take a little breather for yourself, maybe drink some wine lol, and remember that it's all worth it. Because really, there's no better satisfaction than watching your kids grow into respectable, amazing, loving human beings and knowing that you are the reason they're that way 💕

Motherhood may be the scariest hood, but it's the best hood that I definitely wouldn't change for a thing. To all my mamas out there, you got this 💪 enjoy Motherhood! 🖤

Until next time,
XO Mama Unfiltered 


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