doTERRA Living

When you hear doTERRA, what is the first thing that jumps to mind? Essential oils? Wellness Advocate? MLM maybe? 

When I first heard of doTERRA, all I knew about it was that it was a MLM company that sells essential oils (EOs). I didnt know much about EOs other than the fact that they smelled good and you could diffuse them. I mean, I knew some of them had amazing benefits, like Lavender helping with sleep & Eucalyptus helping with chest congestion but that was literally all I knew. Those around me would hear me literally talking crap about how I didn't think EO's could help with headaches, nausea, even severe illnesses. 

Last year when I was pregnant with my youngest, I dealt with horrible heartburn and back pain. Nothing helped. So naturally,  my husband helped me look for ways to help with my discomfort. Not long into looking, he came across the Aromatouch Diffused Kit from doTERRA. 

We originally purchased the Aromatouch diffused Kit for the doTERRA Deep Blue to help with my back pain. Once we got the kit, I started to also use Lavender to help myself and my boys sleep and doTERRA OnGuard to help prevent us from getting sick. Then my friend that I purchased from knew that I was dealing with SEVERE heartburn! So she informed me that I could use my Peppermint oil. Never in a million years did I think essential oils could do something that medication could do, let alone do something that medication failed to do 👐

I started to become a believer the moment I realized that the Peppermint oil helped with my crazy heartburn. But then Elijah was born. And instead of using that opportunity to introduce more oils into my life, I used that as an excuse and completely forgot about my oils for a time. 😭

Fast forward about 6 months, after seeing my friends constantly talking about & using EO's, my interest piqued once again. I wanted to start using EO's in my everyday routine, replace toxic cleaning products with all natural, safe products, replace toxic medications with natural medicine. And when it comes to medications, I mean, who likes shoving medicine down their screaming, kicking, child's throat? Not me 🙅🏼‍♀️

Now I may not have thrown out every bottle of medicine yet, but that's because I am still growing my EO collection. And once the day comes that I have all the oils I need to replace harmful medications, y'all will see me on a Live video on either IG or FB throwing all the medications out and walking them to the dumpster! Lol and that day will be very, very soon!

And some of you may think I'm crazy, or that essential oils don't work and blah blah blah. But the simple truth is, you'll never know until you give them a try. My husband and I both thought the same thing, but yet here we are using EO's in our everyday life to help give us energy, help calm the kids down, help the boys with tummy issues, etc!

If you decide that you'd like to give natural solutions a try, you're more than welcome to reach out to me anytime. If you want to know which oils works best for certain problems/sicknesses, reach out to me! I'm not here to "sell" you on anything. I'm here to present your family & yourself with an opportunity to make a lifestyle change for the better.

With that being said, until next time,
XO Mama Unfiltered 🖤


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