Mom Guilt

Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to other moms? Whether it be moms on social media or moms out in public, working moms or stay at home moms, moms you actually know or even your own mom. I find myself constantly comparing my self and I HATE it.

This is what we moms everywhere call Mom Guilt. Mom guilt means different things to different moms. Mom guilt is that feeing you get when you leave your kids with someone so you can go to work, that feeling you get when you’re constantly yelling at/disciplining your kids, that feeling when your kids act out in public, that feeling when you choose to formula feed over breastfeed, I mean, the list just goes on. Mom guilt is real. And it sucks.

Mom Guilt hits me practically 24/7, in many different situations. And lately, it’s been hitting me HARD 😭. Recently I feel as if I’ve been yelling too much, losing my patience and not connecting with the boys as much as usual. I used to find ways to spend some 1:1 quality time with each of the boys, but now even that feels like a chore. Cue the major Mom Guilt. Scrolling through social media, I see all these other moms constantly taking their kids on outings to the beach, Disney, the zoo, etc while our outings consist of Target runs and walks to the park. Cue the Mom Guilt. Some days I just wish I could run away for a full day of me time with NO kids and some much needed peace & quiet. Because when you think about it, my only “breaks” from the kids are when (& if) they nap + bedtime, and by bedtime, I’m already extremely exhausted. And when I think about how I need a break, I start to feel like a horrible mom. Cue that Mom Guilt.

You see, Mom Guilt hits whenever & wherever. And the only thing we can do about it is try and find the cause of it and overcome our Mom Guilt. Everyday I am working towards overcoming my Mom Guilt and everyday it’s gets a little bit easier. Just know you’re not alone & we’re all experiencing it at one point or another. Stay strong mama! 😘

Until next time,
XO Mama Unfiltered 🖤


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