
Oh January, how you’ve been rough. And to think, it’s only the first month of the year πŸ™ˆ

To recap:

We started the year off right, with Javier having started a new job, both of us in a positive mindset, my business looking up. And then Javier lost his job. He was let go literally at the beginning of the 2nd week of the month. I’m not going to get into the details of what happened, just know that in part, it was his fault, but it was also mainly his trainers fault. 

But that’s ok. It just wasn’t meant to be. 

So that week, we both threw ourselves into applying literally EVERYWHERE again. He was driving all over, applying at every place he walked into, getting interviews left & right. Within 6 days, he started at a new job and we were ecstatic! Until he actually started working and realized how long his hours were + how horrible his schedule is. 

He started with going in between 2-3 am every morning and wouldn’t be home until about 5. Now he sometimes gets home by 2-3 pm πŸ™πŸΌ and works 5-6 days a week. The only downside, he is so exhausted that when he gets home, he’ll eat and shower and then is in bed by 6 pm. 

Y’all, don’t get me wrong, I am more than grateful for this job. But this S U C K S. I feel as if I’m a single mom, and before y’all start, I said FEEL, not AM. Just hear me out though. πŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Everyday, I wake up at least once w| Bella around 1 a.m, sometimes one more time. I already deal w| insomnia, so once I’m awake, it takes awhile to get back to sleep. I then wake up at least once almost every night/ morning with Josh because he stands in the hallway yelling “Mom! I need to pee!” πŸ€¦πŸ»‍♀️ by 6 a.m, I’m awake and head into the boys room to try and sleep on the couch until one of them wakes up (they’re all usually up between 7-7:30). I then try and keep them quiet so they don’t wake up my brother in law since he works nights. We have breakfast at 8 am, clean the house, run whatever errands we need to, take Isaiah to school between 11-11:25 if he’s home with us, come home and then fight to get them all down for their nap. I then use the time they’re asleep, IF they sleep, to work my dōbiz. Then they’re up usually around 2 pm. If Isaiah’s at school we pick him up and get home by 3. If not, I try and use that time to help Josh with his homework. I start dinner between 4-5 pm, clean that mess up after, and then fight to get everyone upstairs to get showered and in pajamas. Depending on how early we get done, they have time to play with LEGOs, color, etc. Bedtime is at 7:30, but that’s a fight as well so they usually don’t fall asleep until after 8 πŸ™„ so while I sit in their room waiting for them to fall asleep, I get in a quick workout. Once they’re FINALLY asleep, I can finally go to my room and get some more work done. By then, it’s close to 9, and I eventually give up and go to sleep by 10 because I’m so exhausted. And then if Bella wakes up before 1, she’ll usually wake up around 11 pm, so I fall asleep just to wake back up. 

So you see, this is just about my everyday schedule of shenanigans. I can barely get in a quick meal for myself, I don’t really get a pee break, and showers include Bella in them. I get very little help and I get practically no adult interactions πŸ˜­ so if you guys ever see me losing my shit, you know why. Lol

On top of this madness,  we are ending the month completely broke since Javier hasn’t been paid since the beginning of the month from his last job. 

So to end this recap, this month has been insane. Elijah got potty trained in a week and I did it by myself, Javier got a new job and I’m scheduling out my entire life. And although Javier is exhausted and I’m losing my mind 24/7, we’ve still somehow managed to stay positive and keep up w| our affirmations. (And yes, I got Javier saying his affirmations too πŸ˜‰). We can only pray that the rest of the year brings us an abundance of blessings and that we continue to move up from here. 

For now, say a little prayer for us and stay tuned for next months recap!

Until next time,
Xo Mama Unfiltered πŸ–€


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